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Open House Recruitment

Today, Saturday, September 21st, Volunteer Hose Company No. 2 held its first open house recruitment event. Members opened both bays of the firehouse and welcomed members of the community to information sessions, tours of the fire house and a live demonstration of an extrication. Members of Vol. Hose would like to thank everyone who stopped by to learn about the fire service and also those whom took an application to be a member of our company. Additionally, we would like to thank Mayor Robert D’Amelio for stopping by to show his support for our event. Lastly, thank you to the folks that continually support our company, whether it’s through words of encouragement and praise or through donations. Without the support of our community, we would not be where we are at today.

P.S. if you have a filled out application, please drop it off in the mail box slot in the front of the fire house!

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