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Firefighter Spotlight of the Month: May 2023, Orlando Lago

We are introducing a new press series for our website which will feature one of our very own firefighters within the company every month. By doing this, we hope our community realizes all of our volunteers are just everyday citizens whom donate their time to save the very same community they live in. Our inaugural firefighter spotlight is Orlando Lago, he's a first generation American raised in the northern tip of Manhattan(Inwood) to parents of Dominican and Cuban descent. He has worked at a private school in the city for 26 years and is currently the assistant to the facility manager and the varsity softball team coach. Orlando joined the company in 2017.

"I moved to Garnerville with my family in 2014 and felt extremely blessed. I was looking for a way to give back to the community and becoming a member of the volunteer fire department at Vol. Hose #23 has been a great way to do it." - Orlando Lago

Don't be shy to say hello to Orland if you see him around town!

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